How to do Mickey Mouse Drawing

1.  Attract a circle to make the fundamental piece of Mickey's head. Utilize a pencil to draw a circle.

This first circle will act as the principal part of Mickey's head, so make it generally as large as you need the drawing

2.  Place 2 rounds, crossing lines on the passed on side of the circle to make it circular. Make your most memorable line start from the highest point of the circle.

Bring your pencil around the passed-on side of the circle to make a sickle moon shape on the furthest left half of the circle.

Place one more round line beginning from the center of the left side. Bring the pencil downwards to make a U-formed bend. This will provide the circle with the impression of being

3. Coax is a little circle that sticks out of the convergence where the lines meet. At the specific place

 where your 2 community lines meet, begin to draw a more modest circle approximately 1/10 the size of the large circle.

4. Put a marginally more modest egg shape on top of the more modest circle. On the upper-left half of the circle that you recently drew, draw an egg sitting on top.

Slant it so it is situated 15 degrees from the remainder of the drawing. This will be the button on Mickey's nose.

Slant it so it is situated 15 degrees from the remainder of the drawing. This will be the button on Mickey's nose.